Spider Diagrams

This exercise required us to mindmap out all the words we could think of stemming from one word. We had 4 words: childhood, angry, seaside and festival.

‘Angry’ was probably, marginally, more difficult to work with and was also the one which Google provided fewest results for. There were some surprising suggestions via Google such as ‘wedding’ for ‘seaside’. Although, a lot of the Google results that were additional to my ideas, were words I just hadn’t thought of, some of the Google results were words I wouldn’t have assiciated with the root word.

I find this type of activity a lot of fun; as a family, we always play word games like this. I do tend to do this mentally when thinking of ideas but writing it down seems to encourage more words to come forward. I think a combination of working alone, using Google and working with a friend is the most effective strategy. I was surprised at how different were the words generated by working with a friend.

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