Free Christmas Bauble
I found the template for this bauble on the web but have lost the link. It was given away free so I have added a Christmassy pattern to it and…
I found the template for this bauble on the web but have lost the link. It was given away free so I have added a Christmassy pattern to it and…
For this exercise we had to choose a word from the previous exercise and collect imagery stemming from our sketches. My search re-enforced the association of bright colours with 'exotic'…
There are 2 sides of the brain: the left, a verbal and rational side that deals in numbers and words, and the right, an intuitive side which works with patterns…
This exercise required us to mindmap out all the words we could think of stemming from one word. We had 4 words: childhood, angry, seaside and festival. 'Angry' was probably,…
For this exercise we had to identify a piece that we connected with in some way and write the brief that might have been given for it. I chose the…
Last time I was making leaf prints with a monoprinting technique. So this time I am using those prints in my Art Journal to make an Autumn themed spread. I…
It's nearing the end of Autumn and leaves are falling and making lovely, rustly heaps of crunchiness on pavements and parks all over UK. So, this post is about experimentation…
Woohoo! This brief is all about ME. Jokes aside, it's really about my decision making process and getting me to think about how I make decisions. So I reckon I…
This is the second exercise in part one of the course. It involves choosing an editorial piece to illustrate, reading it, highlighting key wwords and/or phrases then extracting those words/phrases…