Leading up to Christmas


This is a 6 week course with a Xmassy theme.  It consists of and introduction and 6 ‘sessions’ which are ordered.  The course is delivered online and you will have access to a facebook group to share with and mutually support other members (if you want to). You will have access to the course for a year.

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Take some time out as the seasons turn from Autumn to Winter and think about how the turning of the year applies to you. What have you achieved this year and how will you recover from all your hard work? What rewards are waiting at the end of the tunnel? This course will help you make pages in your art journal that are significant to you because they are drawn from your personal life experiences.

Immerse yourself, for a couple of hours at a time, in all things sparkly and shiny and enjoy the different textures of the supplies you get for this course.

I hope to welcome you on board soon, hugs. Ceri xx


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